extraction interstitial liquid concrete

Concrete pore fluid extraction
Concrete has an intricate pore structure comprising pores and voids. Pore fluid analysis has shown its usefulness for the understanding of concrete durability issues related to:
- alkali binding as it affects alkali–silica reaction (ASR)
- chloride-binding as it affects reinforcement corrosion resistance
- delayed ettringite formation (DEF)
The pore solution of concrete specimen can be extracted by high-pressure squeezing. In this way, CAD Instruments developed a special steel die to achieve extraction on concrete samples, named OpiCAD.

Up to 1 000 MPa
Allows extraction of 9 months aged samples
Easy extraction of the piston after use

Other products: Lab Mixer for mortar and concrete - Rheometer for mortar and concrete -  Microbar Test - Slump test - Electrical conductivity for mortar and concrete - Retractometer - Studs

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