ZetaCAD- zeta potential

Zeta potential meter ZetaCAD
Surface and large particles zetametry using streaming potential or streaming current

Overview - Principle
ZetaCAD has been specially designed to automatically measure the Zeta Potential by the technique of streaming potential/current measurement. An electrolyte is forced to pass through a capillary or a porous plug by a pressure gradient.

The excess charges around the particles or wall are carried along by the liquid. Their accumulation down stream causes the build-up of an electric field which drives an electric current back (by ionic conduction through the liquid) against the direction of the liquid flow. A steady state is quickly established and the measured potential across the capillary is called the streaming potential.

This technique concerns mainly samples having large particles (> 50 µm) or surfaces able to be retain in the cell, or surfacic membranes or hollow fibers samples, where the electrolyte can pass through under a pressure gradient. ZetaCAD gets the followings characteristics:
Differential pressure - 500 to + 500 mbar
Streaming potential -2 400 to +2 400 mV
Streaming current - 240 to + 240 µA
Conductivity 0 to 20 mScm -1
pH 2 to 12
Reliable and simple to setup
Measurement and rinsing of the system are fully automated
Menu driven software Windows based
Data acquisition, treatment and export available with Excel
Powders- RO Membranes- Hollow fibers- Textile fabrics, fibers- Geology-Minerals- Glass -Polymers -Hair

Webpage in French version


Streaming and zeta potential analysis with zeta potential meter ZetaCAD

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