Retractometer CAD

Retractometer RE101040 - RE4416
Shrinkage measurement of concrete and mortar normalized prisms

Description - Principle
Concrete drying shrinkage can be measured in laboratory. The American Concrete Institute (ACI) 302 Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction recommends following ASTM C157 “Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic-Cement". In this way, CAD Instruments developed and offers 2 devices for measuring the length variation of concrete or mortar prism along drying time. These 2 instruments, called retractometer RE101040 and RE4416, are robust and accurate to control specimens according to ASTM C151, ASTM C490, BS 1881, EN 1367-4, EN 12617-4, NF P15-433 and NF P18-427 norms.


Measurement of dimensional variation of mortar or concrete specimens of 160 cm (RE4416) or from 10 to 40 cm (RE101040)
Repeatability: < 0.15 µm
Linearity: 0.5% of full measurement scale

Thermal variation coefficient: < 0.01% of full measurement scale per °C
High precision digital display
RS 232C interface for computer control
Interface RS 232C pour PC
Dimensions: 250 x 250 x 600 mm
Weight: 35 kg

Studs and INVAR calibration bars are also available.

Other products:Lab Mixer for mortar and concrete - Rheometer for mortar and concrete -  Microbar Test - Slump test - Electrical conductivity for mortar and concrete - Interstitial liquid extraction - Studs

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